That's a wrap! Thanks for a great season. See you all next year!

We should be shooting 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday again next year.

Final schedule to be finalized in February.

ISRA Thursday Bulletin March 1st, 2018

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"


ISRA Thursday Bulletin - March 1, 2018

 Executive Directors Message

As we watch companies disavow their arraignments for member discounts with the NRA there is something we all need to remember.  Those companies only made those programs to line their own pockets.  They have no loyalty to you, the NRA or the Second Amendment.  I am glad they are gone.  In the future we need to be more careful who we all deal with. 


This week was scheduled to be Gun Week by Speaker Michael Madigan.  It really should have been called Anti-gun Week.  Tuesday and Wednesday we witnessed every conceivable anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment, anti-firearm dealer and anti-gun owner bill come out of Committee.  Of course, they claimed it was not any of those things but it was.

I want to be perfectly clear: none of this was about good public policy!  It was about politics, pure and simple.  It was an out-and-out attack on the Second Amendment, PERIOD!  This was retribution for going to court and getting concealed carry.  Every gun owner should be angry and stay angry for a long, long time. 

Why Did This Happen?

For the last three or four years I, and others, have been telling you this was coming.  Three years ago I wrote an article called The Gathering Storm.  Some listened, but not enough.  I have written repeatedly about how dangerous Michael Bloomberg and George Soros are.  Black Wednesday is a direct result of their activities.  Lastly, it is the result of gun owners not joining organizations like the Illinois State Rifle Association.

When I asked people to join, it was like talking to a wall or I would hear platitudes like, “we are right, so we will win; or my favorite, one man, who is right makes a majority.”  If you think that, you are delusional and have never been to Springfield!  Members, money and muscle are what counts.  We are fighting an entrenched left wing machine.

When we got Concealed Carry we had 31,000 members.  Now we have 25,000 members.  I got many phone calls telling me that if we got concealed carry, then they would join.  I haven’t seen any of those backsliders yet.  When we started this fight we had 1,000,000 FOID card holders.  Now we have nearly 2,300,000.  We had no Concealed Carry License holders and now we are approaching 300,000.  The attack on concealed carry is coming.

What Is Next?

We need to keep fighting.  By the time you read this, plans will be underway.  We need enough members and money to do it.  I need you to recruit every friend, and relative to get it done.

Thanks for being a member.

REMINDER: Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day (IGOLD) is April 25th!

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  • This Wisconsinite is going to send letters to every company that has disavowed the NRA with promises not to EVER do business with them again, and that I will actively promote boycotts and demonstrations against them.  I M Portly.
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