That's a wrap! Thanks for a great season. See you all next year!
We should be shooting 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday again next year.
Final schedule to be finalized in February.
Stages attached!
For our upcoming Saturday match you will have the option to shoot either Cowboy, Cowboy .22 or Wild Bunch, though you will have to choose one.
If you choose to shoot Wild Bunch style, the scenario will be shot as it is written for Cowboy. 1911 with two 5 round magazines, magazine inserted on the firing line, slide racked on the clock and tabled when complete. Shotgun loaded with the number of shotgun rounds needed for the knockdowns. There are no make ups for shotgun misses.
If you choose to shoot Cowboy .22......bring your single action .22 revolvers, lever action .22 and any cowboy legal shotgun.