That's a wrap! Thanks for a great season. See you all next year!
We should be shooting 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday again next year.
Final schedule to be finalized in February.
Bristol SATURDAY set up/shoot
Who amoung us is planning to be at Bristol Saturday morning? Taking advantage of my vacation, I'm planning to help set up and shoot Saturday, July 8th. The Bristol web sight says that set up begins at 9 AM followed by a shoot, with relaxed dress. Is this still good information? Do any of The GGP know who will be running the Bristol matches, at least temporarily?
Yes , there will be a set up on Saturday ---- 9 AM is about right. Cowfolk may also shoot for score. <br />
I have been asked to be Ast. MD/Flunky/Whipping Boy for the first few matches. Tex H. ,Myself and Johnny R. are all trying to work together to make the match as enjoyable for all as it has been in the past. This task has been sort of "dumped" on us this week. We are trying to get in touch with the remaining ROs/Set up crew <br />
<br />
I hope to know tomorrow about timer,scoresheets,email lists and the other hundred of things needed to set up/run the match. As of this time we are unsure of raffle tickets/food etc. But we will have cold water for drinking on Sunday and the PortaPottys stocked with TP/Sears catalogs <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blush.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='
<br />
We may need to ask our fellow Cowfolk/Clubs for timers to use on Sunday. Like I said , we will know much more in the next day or two.<br />
<br />
To the Cowfolk that have stepped down from running the match , we all are thankfull for your past service to Bristol. <br />
<br />
To those Cowfolk that are stepping up now and in the future , we all are thankfull and proud of your service to our club.<br />
<br />
Thanks for your support
<br />
That's great news! I wish you and all the folks working with you the very best. I know all of you will do a great job and do the cowboys proud.<br />
<br />
If things work out, I'll see you Sunday!<br />
<br />
<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/yahoo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':yahoo:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/yahoo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':yahoo:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/yahoo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':yahoo:' />
If you need a timer let me know and I will drop it off on Sat. I can't stick around on Sat. but will be there on Sun. Good luck to all of you on your new challenge. I know you will give all you have and then some.
<br />
I have a timer that you can use too.<br />
<br />
Let me know if you need it.<br />
<br />
updates to follow soon
see ya'll this weekend.<br />
<br />
As to more information here is what we have so far. Set up will begin at about 8:30 to 9 O'Clock this Saturday. This month, the cubscouts will not be there due to a Jamboree Camp out, so there will not be food, best to bring your own.<br />
<br />
Saturday, there will be shooting after Set up as always, if your so inclined. The main shoot will happen Sunday, at the regular schedueled time. We will hold a short Ceramony to thank the past Match Dirrector, Chicago Steeley Bob for a ll his hard work on behalf of all us cowfolk. Then we'll introduce ourselves for those that don't know us, have a safety meeting, and get to the fun part----SHOOTING!<br />
<br />
We hope to see ya all there, and also hope to give ya something to smile about.<br />
<br />
Thanks<br />
Tex Hewitt
<br />
Times have been located and will be there Saturday.<br />
<br />
Even so, thanks to all who offered timers, it is appreaciated.
Will you be needing clipboards, pens, pencils, etc. or are you covered. Let me know and I can donate what I have.
<br />
Turkey Legs
<br />
Thanks for the offer, but to speak the truth, I just don't know yet. Never even thought about them till ya mentioned it. I'll know Saturday morning, and will post here Saturday night ifin we do.<br />
<br />
Hope you are coming to the shoot, in fact hope all of ya show up. (Always fun to shoot with you folks) We have a few anouncments to say as well, but we don't have it all sorted out yet. only two days away, nothing to worry about--MUCH!
Sgt. ScatterGun has offered to go and get us a 100 Bristol sign in sheets. There may be a bunch in the shed
we are checking into it.<br />
<br />
thank you very much for your offer of helping !!!!!!!!<br />
<br />
thank you also for your offer !!!!!!!<br />
<br />
And last but not least
thank you all for the MANY phone calls I got today with offers of support and help. ALL YOU Cowfolk are what makes this worthwhile <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup:' /> <br />
<br />
Thanks again ---- Bird